100+ Cute Stardew Valley Mods for Cottage Core Vibes :)

Hi everyone! This is a full list of the 144 mods I have installed for the Stardew Valley playthrough I’ve been streaming on my twitch channel.



a list with 200+ mods 🙂

Most of my mods are from NexusMods, and it’s possible over time some of the mods may be deleted or break. (Especially when ConcernedApe releases the 1.5 patch)

This list is current as of 2/27/2020.

NOTE – I’ve had to alter some of my mods by hand, or some of the sprite sheets. I’ve also had to hunt down unofficial updates for some of the mods since they aren’t always the updated version on NexusMods. I check for updates for the mods at SMAPI.io

I used the Stardew Valley Wiki to learn how to mod my game.

first test run with all 143 mods running
first test run with all 143 mods running

quick navigation

Artisan Goods
Crops, Gems, Grass, Etc.
Fashion / Hair
Function Mods (needed for other mods to work)
Map Recolor
Menu Related
MISC (no category)
Villagers & Sprites & Portraits


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Artisan Goods

  • Better Artisan Goods (gives a toned down, more realistic aesthetic to artisan goods & animal products)
  • Chocolatier (adds artisan chocolate goods + a chocolate making machine)
  • Artisan Valley (adds 150+ artisan goods and 20+ machines)
  • Khadija’s Recipe Shop (adds two new vendors who sell cooking & crafting recipes)
  • PPJA Mega Pack (7 different content packs combined into one download. includes: new fruits & veggies; new trees; new recipes; new category of meat; fantasy crops; even more recipes; and new flowers)
  • Custom Cask Mod (adds custom casks, I’m pretty sure I only have this mod so another mod will work, but I can’t remember which one)
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Buildings / Structures

  • Garden Pots Retexture (recolor for the indoor garden pots)
  • Medieval Buildings by Gweniaczek (amazing redesigns for your farm buildings, covered in flowers and so cute!)
  • Overgrown Fairy Craftables (very cute recolors for your farm craftables like the beehive, furnace, etc. I don’t think they’re working on my Stardew tho because another mod recolor is overriding them.. but these are still worth a look if you like white/pink kawaii aesthetic)
  • Seasonal Fences (seasonal recolors for fences on your farm)
  • Stardew Foliage Redone (foliage only) (recolor for all trees / foliage)
  • Stardew Valley Reimagined (slightly mods the entire map to be more lively and intuitive. adds more trees to the forest, mine entrances redone, shortcuts throughout the map, “horse friendly” map, decorations added throughout the map, etc.)
  • Sunset Garden Greenhouse (a really cool greenhouse mod; makes your greenhouse 3 floors with all kinds of neat features)
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Crops, Gems, Grass, Etc.

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Fashion / Hair

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Function Mods

These mods are all base mods required for the majority of the other mods I have listed on this page to work, so I will not be including descriptions.

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Map Recolor

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  • Vintage Interface V2 (adds a cute white/brown look to the menus of the game)
  • Overgrown Interface (very cute pastel flowery look to the menus)
  • CJB Show Item Sell Price (when hovering over an item it shows how much it is worth to sell)
  • Lookup Anything (when you press f1 on just about anything it pops up a menu to show you information about it, like villagers it shows you their fav gifts and whether you’ve talked to them that day or not)
  • NPC Map Locations (shows you NPC location on the minimap. I don’t have this mod enabled, since the UI info suite listed below already includes it. If you install both this mod & UI info suite, you will see duplicate icons on the minimap for all the villagers)
  • UI Info Suite (probably my favorite non-aesthetic mod! gives you all kinds of useful information: when hovering over crops, tells you how long before they’re ready to harvest; displays icons in the top right under the time that tell you your luck, if there is a recipe available on the Queen of Sauce, birthdays if there are any, and if your upgrades are ready to pick up at Clint’s. also shows you scarecrow ranges; shows NPC locations on map; shows you percentage of heart levels for villagers; view calendar/quest board from your main menu)
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Villagers & Sprites

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