Hi everyone! This is a full list of the 144 mods I have installed for the Stardew Valley playthrough I’ve been streaming on my twitch channel.
a list with 200+ mods 🙂
Most of my mods are from NexusMods, and it’s possible over time some of the mods may be deleted or break. (Especially when ConcernedApe releases the 1.5 patch)
This list is current as of 2/27/2020.
NOTE – I’ve had to alter some of my mods by hand, or some of the sprite sheets. I’ve also had to hunt down unofficial updates for some of the mods since they aren’t always the updated version on NexusMods. I check for updates for the mods at SMAPI.io
I used the Stardew Valley Wiki to learn how to mod my game.

quick navigation
♡ Animals/Pets
♡ Artisan Goods
♡ Buildings/Structures
♡ Crops, Gems, Grass, Etc.
♡ Fashion / Hair
♡ Function Mods (needed for other mods to work)
♡ Furniture
♡ Map Recolor
♡ Menu Related
♡ MISC (no category)
♡ Villagers & Sprites & Portraits


- Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety (mod necessary to allow you to add new livestock options, the ones starting with “BFAV” below need this mod in order to work)
- BFAV Crows (adds Crows as livestock for Coop)
- BFAV Everia’s Dragons (adds Dragons as livestock for Barn)
- BFAV Fennec Fox (adds Fennec Foxes as livestock for Barn)
- BFAV Hedgehogs (adds Hedgehogs as livestock for Coop)
- BFAV Raccoon (adds Raccoon as livestock for Barn)
- Custom Critters (allows you to add custom critters to the world)
- Fairies for the Forest (for the Custom Critters mod, adds cute fairies in the forest)
- Tearoppai’s Random Critters (for the Custom Critters mod, adds little bugs buzzing around)
- Mr. Ginger (adds cute orange cat as NPC that wanders around town)
- Cuter Portrait for Mr. Ginger (cuter portrait for above mod)
- Elle’s Dog Replacements (replaces dog sprite with cuter dogs)
- Galarian Ponyta Replacement (replaces horse sprite with a Galarian Ponyta (pokemon) sprite)
- Truffle Fox (replaces Pigs with Foxes)
- Better Ranching (adds icon above livestock to indicate if they need to be petted, milked or sheared)
- Cuter Fatter Cows (makes cows much cuter & fatter)
- Cuter Fatter Goats (makes goats much cuter & fatter)
- Chonkins (makes chickens CHONKY)
- Deluxe Grabber (unofficial update) (allows the auto grabber to be used in the coop, can be configured to harvest crops, all global forage, and fruit trees / farm cave)
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Artisan Goods

- Better Artisan Goods (gives a toned down, more realistic aesthetic to artisan goods & animal products)
- Chocolatier (adds artisan chocolate goods + a chocolate making machine)
- Artisan Valley (adds 150+ artisan goods and 20+ machines)
- Khadija’s Recipe Shop (adds two new vendors who sell cooking & crafting recipes)
- PPJA Mega Pack (7 different content packs combined into one download. includes: new fruits & veggies; new trees; new recipes; new category of meat; fantasy crops; even more recipes; and new flowers)
- Custom Cask Mod (adds custom casks, I’m pretty sure I only have this mod so another mod will work, but I can’t remember which one)
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Buildings / Structures

- Garden Pots Retexture (recolor for the indoor garden pots)
- Medieval Buildings by Gweniaczek (amazing redesigns for your farm buildings, covered in flowers and so cute!)
- Overgrown Fairy Craftables (very cute recolors for your farm craftables like the beehive, furnace, etc. I don’t think they’re working on my Stardew tho because another mod recolor is overriding them.. but these are still worth a look if you like white/pink kawaii aesthetic)
- Seasonal Fences (seasonal recolors for fences on your farm)
- Stardew Foliage Redone (foliage only) (recolor for all trees / foliage)
- Stardew Valley Reimagined (slightly mods the entire map to be more lively and intuitive. adds more trees to the forest, mine entrances redone, shortcuts throughout the map, “horse friendly” map, decorations added throughout the map, etc.)
- Sunset Garden Greenhouse (a really cool greenhouse mod; makes your greenhouse 3 floors with all kinds of neat features)
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Crops, Gems, Grass, Etc.

- Better Crops & Foraging (updates crops & forageables to be aesthetically toned down & more realistic looking)
- Better Gems & Minerals (updates gems & minerals to be aesthetically toned down & more realistic looking)
- Craftable Prismatic Shards
- Aquatic Plant (crops that grow next to water like Lilypads and Lotus flowers!)
- Better Quarry Redux (improves the quality of the quarry)
- Better Beach Forage (increased forage on beach, plus sometimes crabs!)
- Succulents (adds new crops: edible and decorative succulents)
- Grass Growth (allows you to configure where & how fast grass grows on your farm)
- Yet Another Harvest w/Scythe Mod (allows you to harvest all crops and forageables with scythe)
- More Grass (allows you to add custom grass sprites; this mod is necessary for “Wildflower Grass Field” mod to work)
- MultiYield Crops (allows crops to yield more than one kind of harvest)
- Wildflower Grass Field (adds over 50 seasonal grass/flower variations so grass fields are more interesting looking)
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Fashion / Hair

- Coii’s Girls Sets Pack (replaces farmer hairstyles, shirts and skirts)
- Coii’s Hats Pack (replaces hats with super kawaii hats)
- Eemie’s Cute Long Hairstyles (adds cute hairstyle options)
- Hats Won’t Mess up Hair (prevents hats from changing hairstyle)
- Alicedafox’s Hairstyles (adds hairstyles)
- Hosiery (adds cute shoes + stockings)
- Seasonal Hats (adds cute seasonal hats)
- GetGlam (allows you to change your appearance from home, adds a vanity in your house – I use the v1.4 misc recolor mod listed in the Map Recolor section to make the vanity into a cute mirror)
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Function Mods
These mods are all base mods required for the majority of the other mods I have listed on this page to work, so I will not be including descriptions.

- CJBItem Spawner
- ContentPatcher
- CustomNPCFixes
- ExpandedPreconditionsUtility
- FarmTypeManager
- JsonAssets
- MailFrameworkMod
- ProducerFrameworkMod
- PyTK
- ShopTileFramework
- SpaceCore
- StardewHack
- TMXL Map Toolkit
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- CustomFurniture (allows you to add new furniture to your game, purchasable from Robin. All mods listed below that begin with “CF” require this mod to work)
- CF Eemie’s Classy New Furniture
- CF Eemie’s Hanging Dried Flowers
- CF Everia’s Dragon Statues
- CF Gervig91’s Furniture (aquariums and statues!!)
- CF Magical Anime Collection
- CF Mioudew’s Elegant Victorian Furniture
- CF Orchid Pack
- CF Oriental Rugs & Tatami Set
- CF Redwood Furniture
- CF Seaside Interior
- CF Urban Outfitters Boho Furniture
- CF Who M Furniture – Happy New Year
- CF Witch’s Garden Flowers
- CF Yellog’s Dark Brown/Cream Furniture Remake
- Flatscreen TV
- Gwen’s Medieval Craftables
- Industrial Furniture Set
- Industrial Kitchen & Interior
- Kyuya’s Iridium Tools
- Owl Scarecrows
- Pastel Flower Tools
- Pigeon Mailbox
- Seasonal Floorings (changes appearances of paths for outdoors)
- Yellog’s Wood Craftables
- Witchy Decorations
- CarryChest (can carry a chest even with items in it)
- SMAPI Chest Label System (allows you to label chests)
- Yet Another Wallpaper Mod (cute witchy wallpapers)
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Map Recolor

- A Toned Down Stardew Valley (overhauls the entire town to be less saturated)
- Candle Torch Replacer (all torches replaced with cute candles!)
- DaisyNiko’s Tilesheets
- Cuter Farm Cave (the three floor cave on your farm with a health-regenerating spring. this mod is currently offline while the creator updates it)
- Eemie’s Map Recolors (palette change for full map)
- Flower Path 2.0 (cute lil flower paths!)
- Hot Spring Farmcave (one of my fav mods!! converts your cave on your farm into a hot spring area, while still maintaining the fruit bats or mushrooms)
- Immersive Farm 2 Remastered
- Rolling Hills Farm (really big expansive farm map with cool minecart shortcuts)
- Stardew Foliage Redone (a nature toned map recolor)
- PondPainter (required for pond to be recolored)
- Underground Secrets (adds shrines, riddles and mushroom trees (rarely) to the caves!)
- v1.4 misc recolor (totoro scarecrow, and a variety of recolors)
- WinterGrass
- ZBetter Water (makes water throughout map look nicer)
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Menu Related

- Vintage Interface V2 (adds a cute white/brown look to the menus of the game)
- Overgrown Interface (very cute pastel flowery look to the menus)
- CJB Show Item Sell Price (when hovering over an item it shows how much it is worth to sell)
- Lookup Anything (when you press f1 on just about anything it pops up a menu to show you information about it, like villagers it shows you their fav gifts and whether you’ve talked to them that day or not)
- NPC Map Locations (shows you NPC location on the minimap. I don’t have this mod enabled, since the UI info suite listed below already includes it. If you install both this mod & UI info suite, you will see duplicate icons on the minimap for all the villagers)
- UI Info Suite (probably my favorite non-aesthetic mod! gives you all kinds of useful information: when hovering over crops, tells you how long before they’re ready to harvest; displays icons in the top right under the time that tell you your luck, if there is a recipe available on the Queen of Sauce, birthdays if there are any, and if your upgrades are ready to pick up at Clint’s. also shows you scarecrow ranges; shows NPC locations on map; shows you percentage of heart levels for villagers; view calendar/quest board from your main menu)
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- Stardew Valley Expanded (adds new areas of maps, 4+ new characters, and all kinds of fun stuff!)
- Weaker Serpent & Iridium Bat (makes the skull caverns a lil easier)
- Fall 28 Snow Day (makes it snow on the last day of Fall)
- Item Bags (adds item bags to the game, which can hold other items to save inventory space. prices are fair, so it doesn’t feel too much like cheating)
- Personal Combat Drone (adds a drone that follows you around and helps attack cave monsters)
- Drone is a Fairy (makes the drone in the above mod a cute fairy!)
- Challenging Community Center Bundles
- Please, Remember my birthday! (villagers remember your birthday :D)
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Villagers & Sprites

- Ana’s Toned Down Sprites (desaturates villager sprites a little bit. this mod is made by AnataseTV and she is very sweet! Check her twitter & twitch out!)
- Babysitter (adds some dialogue for your children, and allows you to choose between [Alex, Sebastian, Maru, Abigail, Shane, Emily, and Linus] as a babysitter, one for each child)
- Baechu & AkiraE’s Portraits (probably my favorite aesthetic mod – turns this game into Sexy Stardew Valley 👀 everyone looks straight out of a kpop band, LINUS AND CLINT ARE SO SEXY)
- Help for Hire (adds the ability to buy help on your farm)
- Helpful Spouses (customized chores for your spouse)
- Child to NPC
- Custom Chores
- Lumisteria Child to NPC Like Parent (required for babysitter mod, makes your child look more like your spouse)
- Seasonal Villager Outfits (new outfits for all the villagers)
- Seasonal Outfits for Diverse Stardew Valley (new outfits for Diverse SV mod pack)
- SirenStorm’s Toddlers (much cuter toddlers)
- Platonic Relationships (allows you to reach 10 heart level with everyone without having to date them)
- Narrative – George & Evelyn
- Narrative – Clint
- Narrative – Demetrius
- Narrative – Gus
- Narrative – Linus
- Narrative – Marnie
- Narrative – Monster Pack (Krobus & Dwarf)
- Narrative – Willy
- Narrative – Wizard
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