Hi friends! Have you ever wanted the cutest Stardew Farm on the planet 👀? Well look no further, because I have scoured the internet high + low for all the most adorable Stardew Valley mods available, specifically to give your farm cute, witchy cottage core vibes!
This list is current as of 10/30/2022
(this blog is an update to my 2020 post of a similar name)

How do you mod Stardew Valley? See my beginner’s guide blog here!
Where do you get your mods? The vast majority of my mods are from NexusMods. It’s possible some of these mods could be removed, or break, over time. If so, try googling the mod name to see if you can find an unofficial update to it, as the Stardew Mod community loves to keep great mods alive 🙂 You can also check SMAPI.io for updates.

How are you running 200+ mods without crashes?? Honestly, my game does crash every now and then. I also have learned to be patient whenever “(Not Responding)” pops up in the title bar, because sometimes my game just needs to think for a minute (or three). This is especially true right when I first launch the game for the day.
Some things like the variety of animals, the variety of clothes/hairstyles, that I have are only possible because I merged several mods into one tilesheet. I’m linking to all of them individually, tho, so you can hopefully grab the ones you like!

♡ Animals/Pets
♡ Artisan Goods, Crops + More
♡ Buildings/Structures
♡ Fashion / Hair
♡ Furniture
♡ Map Related
♡ Menu Related
♡ MISC (no category)
♡ Villagers, Sprites & Portraits
♡ Function Mods (needed for other mods to work)


- Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety (mod necessary to allow you to add new livestock options, the ones starting with “BFAV” below need this mod in order to work)
- [BFAV / JA / PFM] Lumisteria Guinea Fowls (adds Guinea Fowls to the coop)
- [BFAV / JA / PFM] So Many Horses (adds two types of Horses as farm animals for the barn)
- [BFAV / JA / PFM] Trent’s New Animals (adds Peacocks, Armadillos, Moles, Deer, Buffalos and Silkworms as farm animals to purchase from Marnie)
- [BFAV] Frog Friends (adds Frogs as a coop animal, purchasable from Marnie)
- [BFAV] Goose (adds Geese as a coop animal, purchasable from Marnie)
- [BFAV] Lung Dragons (adds Dragons as barn animals, purchasable from Marnie)
- [BFAV] Alpacas (adds alpacas as a barn animal, purchasable from Marnie)
- Llama and Deer Sounds (adds sound effects for the Llama + Deer animals)
- BlueWind95 Cat Sphynx Replacer
- Better Critters (updates the random critters around Stardew Valley to be cuter, more realistic + toned down)
- Chonkins (makes chickens CHONKY)
- Cuter Fatter Cows (makes cows much cuter & fatter)
- Cuter Fatter Goats (makes goats much cuter & fatter)
- Cuter Slimes (makes the slimes cuter and more toned down)
- Elle’s Cat Replacements (adds a large variety of cats to choose from)
- Elle’s Dog Replacements (adds a large variety of dogs to choose from)
- Galarian Ponyta Replacement (a must-have — replaces your horse with a beautiful pastel Galarian Ponyta)
- Munchboi the Cat (another must-have – a chonky kitty boi)
- Adopt Skin (allows you to create a variety of types a farm animal may spawn as)
- Jekk’s Ostrich Re-skin (a new look for the vanilla ostrich)
- spacesheepcaptain’s Yet Another Dog Mod (very cute new dog sprites)
- Better Ranching (adds icon above livestock to indicate if they need to be petted, milked or sheared)
NOT INSTALLED, but still recommend 😀
- [BFAV] Crows (adds Crows as livestock for Coop)
- [BFAV] Everia’s Dragons (adds Dragons as livestock for Barn)
- [BFAV] Fennec Fox (adds Fennec Foxes as livestock for Barn)
- [BFAV] Raccoon (adds Raccoon as livestock for Barn)
- Elle’s New Barn Animals (updates the look of the vanilla barn animals)
- Elle’s New Coop Animals
- Elle’s New Horses
- Truffle Fox (replaces Pigs with Foxes)
- Cat to Furret (changes your cat into the pokemon Furret)


- Aesthetic Garbage (updates the icon art for garbage lol)
- Better Artisan Goods (gives a toned down, more realistic aesthetic to artisan goods & animal products)
- Better Artisan Good Icons (specifically for wines, honeys, jams, etc.)
- Better Crops & Foraging (updates crops & forageables to be aesthetically toned down & more realistic looking)
- Better Crops & Artisan Goods for SVE (updates crops & artisan goods’ icons in Stardew Valley Expanded)
- Better Gems & Minerals (updates gems & minerals to be aesthetically toned down & more realistic looking)
- Better Fishing + Beach Foraging (updates fish + beach foraging to be aesthetically toned down & more realistic looking)
- Stardew Foliage Redone – Foliage Only (redesigns the trees, bushes + grass)
- Better Crops and Artisan Goods in SVE (compatibility mod to match Stardew Valley Expanded [SVE] crops with “better crops and foraging” mod’s aesthetic)
- Aquatic Plant (crops that grow next to water like Lilypads and Lotus flowers!)
- Magic Tree Roots (VERY cool new trees! super fantasy vibes)
- Magica Trees (replaces vanilla trees entirely with super cute cloud trees, mushroom trees)
- Steamy Beans Cafe (adds a variety of coffee shop foods)
- Succulents (adds new crops: edible and decorative succulents)
- Wildflower Grass Field (adds over 50 seasonal grass/flower variations so grass fields are more interesting looking)
- More New Fish (adds 140 new fish to the game)
- Artisan Valley (adds 150+ artisan goods and 20+ machines)
- PPJA Mega Pack (7 different content packs combined into one download. includes: new fruits & veggies; new trees; new recipes; new category of meat; fantasy crops; even more recipes; and new flowers)
- Purchasable Clay (adds clay to Robin’s shop)
- Insect Valley (very fun mod that adds insects as foraging items)
- More Grass (allows you to add custom grass sprites; this mod is necessary for “Wildflower Grass Field” mod to work)
- WinterGrass (allows grass to grow in winter)
- Forage of Ferngill (adds foraging for the Ferngill Expansion)
NOT INSTALLED, but still recommend 😀
- Chocolatier (adds artisan chocolate goods + a chocolate making machine)
- Khadija’s Recipe Shop (adds two new vendors who sell cooking & crafting recipes)


- Creative Warehouse Shed (you bout to have a ridiculouslly HUGE shed)
- Cuter Coops + Barns (makes the coops + barns so much cuter!)
- Garden Cellar (updates the cellar to be aesthetic with multiple floors)
- Goddess Statue Obelisk (absolutely GORGEOUS obelisk replacements — 10/30/2022 update: cannot find a current working link for this mod, sorry!)
- Medieval Buildings by Gweniaczek (amazing redesigns for your farm buildings, covered in flowers and so cute!)
- Seasonal Fences (seasonal recolors for fences on your farm)
- Medieval SVE (updates the buildings in Stardew Valley Expanded to match Gwen’s medieval buildings)
- Oasis Greenhouse (updates your greenhouse to have a wine cellar, spa, and tree space!)
- Seasonal Garden Farmhouse V2 (beautiful update of the farmhouse to include bathroom, kitchen and attic)
- Verti’s Sheds (updates the sheds to be a little larger and decorate-able)
- Slime Hutch to Menagerie (A garden-ish redesign of the slime hutch interior with a spa and space for a few crops)
- Way Back Pelican Town (updates all the buildings of Pelican Town to match Gwen’s medieval buildings)
- Garden Pots Retexture (recolor for the indoor garden pots)
NOT INSTALLED, but still recommend 😀
- Sunset Garden Greenhouse (a really cool greenhouse mod; makes your greenhouse 3 floors with all kinds of neat features)
- Overgrown Fairy Craftables (very cute recolors for your farm craftables like the beehive, furnace, etc.)


- GH Peach’s Body Type (change’s the farmers body to look much slimmer)
- Oversized Sleeves (adds oversized sleeves to your outfits)
- The Teddy Edit (cute brown, teddy-themed outfits)
- Fashion Sense (current mod I’m using to allow me to swap between outfits, accessories, hairstyles, etc. Been using this since Get Glam got deprecated. Highly recommend you go through the list of “requirements: mods requiring this mod” and you’ll find lots of different fashion add-ons!)
- Better Rings (updates the rings to be aesthetically toned down + more realistic looking)
- Eemie’s Cute Long Hairstyles (adds cute hairstyle options)
- Alicedafox’s Hairstyles (adds hairstyles)
- Gigi’s Farmer Soap Hairstyles (cute hairstyles)
- Hats Won’t Mess up Hair (prevents hats from changing hairstyle)
- Hosiery (adds cute shoes + stockings)
- Coii’s Girls Sets Pack (replaces farmer hairstyles, shirts and skirts)
- Coii’s Hats Pack (replaces hats with super kawaii hats)
- Sailor Moon Hairstyles + Clothing (Hair, clothes, kimono and hats based on the characters of Sailor Moon. Comes with colorable hair and over 150 new clothing choices)
- Cuter Shoes (cuter shoes for female farmer)
- Mochitail’s Hat (adds a bunch of very cute flower crowns, bows, animal ears, etc)
- Lovely and Magnificent Hat (adds some very cute, magical and unique hat choices)
- Seasonal Hats (adds cute seasonal hats)
- Witch Hats (7yrsofbadluck) (adds cute witch hats)
- Berkenen Froggy Hat (adds a cute froggy hat)
- Liangchen’s Shirt Packet (adds super cute shirt choices)
- Missy’s Shirts (outdated, but a resource of cute shirts)
- Customize Anywhere (Allows you to customize your farmer anytime, anywhere. Includes optional customization mirror and full clothing catalogue item)
- GetGlam (allows you to change your appearance from home, adds a vanity in your house – I use the v1.4 misc recolor mod listed in the Map Recolor section to make the vanity into a cute mirror) [update 10/30/2022: I think this mod is now outdated!]
- Sweet Skin Tones (Replaces the default skin tones with sweeter ones, it also brings a single pink skin option.)
NOT INSTALLED, but still recommend 😀
- Natural Hairstyles (Black hairstyles: afros, locs, braids, puffs, etc)
- Bits ‘n Bobs (adds bobby pins, earrings, etc)
- More Elegant Female Body (updates the sprite of the female farmer body, VERY cute, but renders all hairstyle/clothing mods useless since this completely changes the sprite. this does include cute hairstyles + clothes tho)
- Horns as Headgear (mythical horns!)


- Casual Furniture Set
- CustomFurniture (allows you to add new furniture to your game, purchasable from Robin. All mods listed below that begin with “CF” require this mod to work)
- CF Eemie’s Classy New Furniture
- CF Eemie’s Hanging Dried Flowers
- CF Junimo Plushies
- CF Magical Anime Collection
- CF Mioudew’s Elegant Victorian Furniture
- CF Orchid Pack
- CF Oriental Rugs & Tatami Set
- CF Ornamental Garden Furniture
- CF Sweet Lolita Furniture
- CF SweetHeart Furniture
- CF Urban Outfitters Boho Furniture
- CF Who M Furniture – Happy New Year
- CF Witch’s Garden Flowers
- CF Gedian’s Swing
- CF Moon Lamp
- Antique TV Sets
- Aster & Nari’s Japanese Walls and Floors
- Peskit’s Wallpapers & Floors
- Floors & Walls by Mia
- Aster’s Baskets as Chests
- Aster’s Big Furniture Pack
- Arbor Buildables
- Barfyscorpion Furniture
- Candle Torch Replacer
- Christmas Tappers
- Colourful Candles
- Custom Walls and Floors
- Divine Decor
- Duck Crab Pot
- MSaturn Floaties
- Gwen’s Medieval Craftables
- Halloween Decor
- Idaida’s Furniture Recolor
- Industrial Furniture Set
- Industrial Kitchen & Interior
- Missy’s Walls and Floors
- Modern Farm Computer
- Nyang’s Cat Scarecrows
- Online & Home Shopping
- Pastel Flower Tools
- Pigeon Mailbox
- Pretty Pink Furniture
- Seasonal Fences
- Seasonal Floorings (changes appearances of paths for outdoors)
- Seasonal Witchy Gothic Inspired Windows
- Rainbow Simple Foliage Mushroom Trees
- Rosy Picket Fence
- Rustic Country Walls and Floors
- Lovely Little Kitchen
- Lumisteria Garden Decorations
- Lumisteria Plants in Watering Cans
- Yellog’s Wood Craftables
- Witchy Decorations
- Shardust’s Pastel Furniture
- Shipping Chest
- SMAPI Chest Label System (allows you to label chests)
- spacesheepcaptain’s Yet Another Wallpaper Mod
- StarAmy’s Modern Furniture
- StarAmy’s Wild Greenhouse Furniture
- Suitcase Record Player / [AT] version
- Yet Another Wallpaper Mod (cute witchy wallpapers)
- v1.4 Misc Recolor
NOT INSTALLED, but still recommend 😀


- Adventurer’s Guild Expanded (expands the caves/adventurer’s guild, adds a few new (romanceable) characters, new events, etc)
- Downtown ZuZu (ZuZu city is now a place you can visit, with new NPCs!)
- East Scarp (adds a new map with new characters, events, and more)
- Fostoria (adds a new map area with a couple new NPCs and shops)
- Ridgeside Village (a very in depth expansion with 50 new characters, new maps, etc.)
- Stardew Valley Expanded (a fanmade expansion for ConcernedApe’s Stardew Valley. This mod adds 24 new NPCs, 30 locations, 200 character events, 800 location messages, reimagined vanilla areas, two farm maps, a reimagined world map reflecting all changes, new music, and many miscellaneous additions!)
- Stoffton (adds new maps, 50 new characters, new shops, etc.)
- 5 Floors Cellar (adds extra floors to wine cellar)
- A Toned Down Stardew Valley (overhauls the entire town to be less saturated)
- Beach Fix (lets you walk on tidepools)
- Better Resources (updates the sprites for resources like weeds, stones, ores to be more realistic + toned down)
- Better Water (makes water throughout map look nicer)
- Blue Grass Recolor
- Boarding House & Bus Stop Extension (adds a boarding house behind the bus, a new mine area, new NPCs)
- BrianaLana’s Fantasy Trees
- Chests Anywhere
- Climates of Ferngill (Expands the climate system to be more robust, adding custom weathers)
- Community Center Reimagined (adds additional events and function to the community center after its finished)
- DaisyNiko’s Earthy Recolor
- Dynamic Night Time this mod is honestly so cool! it gets darker earlier in the day depending on the time of year it is in Stardew, so sometimes you’ll wake up at 6am in winter and it’s still dark out :O
- Eemie’s Map Recolors (palette change for full map)
- Flower Valley (covers the Valley in flowers)
- Flower Path 2.0 (cute lil flower paths!)
- Greenhouse Entry Patch
- Gwen’s Paths (retextures craftable paths)
- Hot Spring Farmcave (one of my fav mods!! converts your cave on your farm into a hot spring area, while still maintaining the fruit bats or mushrooms)
- Immersive Farm 2 Remastered (adds a new map to go with Stardew Valley Expanded)
- Overgrown Fairy Craftables (very cute recolors for your farm craftables like the beehive, furnace, etc.)
- Peskit’s Hogwarts Express (changes the train to the Hogwarts Express)
- Rolling Hills Farm (really big expansive farm map with cool minecart shortcuts)
- Rustic Country Town Interior (changes the inside of Pelican Town’s buildings to be toned down and aesthetic)
- Rustic Garbage Bins (don’t ask me why this is important to me)
- Rustic Traveling Cart (updates the look of the traveling merchant’s cart near the Wizard’s tower)
- Seasonal Floral Bus Recolor (recolors the bus to look very cute and cottage core)
- Secret Woods Totoro (adds Totoro as the statue in the secret woods)
- Skull Cavern Elevator (this is a pretty cheat-y mod, but I really hate skull caverns lmaooo)
- Stardew Aquarium (adds an aquarium sort of like Animal Crossing NH)
- Sunset Garden Greenhouse (a really cool greenhouse mod; makes your greenhouse 3 floors with all kinds of neat features)
- Train Station (makes the train station functional so you can travel to different locations)
- Underdark Sewer (Sewer Map Overhaul! Vine-covered, mushroom-filled, cave-like sewers in purple and blue! More rooms, more shadow creatures, more fun)
- Underground Secrets (adds shrines, riddles and mushroom trees (rarely) to the caves!)
- Visible Fish (allows you to see the catchable fish through the water)
- Walk to the Desert Redux (adds additional maps so you can walk to Calico Desert before the bus lines open up)


- Bigger Backpack (adds a purchasable backpack upgrade for 48 slots)
- Chest Label System
- CJB Show Item Sell Price (when hovering over an item it shows how much it is worth to sell)
- Community Center Item Identifier (adds “(B)” next to items’ names you need for community center bundles)
- Deluxe Journal (upgrades the quest journal so you can add to do lists)
- Expanded Storage (adds new storage chest types)
- Gift Guide and Better Secret Notes (reveals all loved/liked gifts for the NPCs in the menu so you dont have to keep pulling up a wiki)
- Lookup Anything (when you press f1 on just about anything it pops up a menu to show you information about it, like villagers it shows you their fav gifts and whether you’ve talked to them that day or not)
- Love of Cooking (revamps the entire cooking system in a big way, even adding a cooking skill)
- Love of Cooking UI Recolor
- Lumisteria Farmer Backgrounds (adds a cute dynamic background to your farmer in the menu)
- Mega Storage
- NPC Map Locations (shows you NPC location on the minimap. I don’t have this mod enabled, since the UI info suite listed below already includes it. If you install both this mod & UI info suite, you will see duplicate icons on the minimap for all the villagers)
- Overgrown Flowery Cursors (adds the cute flower cursor)
- Overgrown Interface (very cute pastel flowery look to the menus)
- Ran’s Hearts (changes the little hearts next to villager names to be cuter)
- Tool Belt (adds a pop up tool wheel , like in animal crossing!)
- Tree Transplant (adds an option with Robin to move trees on your farm)
- UI Info Suite (probably my favorite non-aesthetic mod! gives you all kinds of useful information: when hovering over crops, tells you how long before they’re ready to harvest; displays icons in the top right under the time that tell you your luck, if there is a recipe available on the Queen of Sauce, birthdays if there are any, and if your upgrades are ready to pick up at Clint’s. also shows you scarecrow ranges; shows NPC locations on map; shows you percentage of heart levels for villagers; view calendar/quest board from your main menu)
- Vintage Interface V2 (adds a cute white/brown look to the menus of the game)
- Wear More Rings (allows you to wear up to 10 rings. I only have this set to 4 for my game)

MISC (no category)

- Automatic Gates
- CJB Item Spawner
- Event Lookup (allows you to access a menu that shows all events that are available to you)
- Fall 28 Snow Day (makes it snow on the last day of Fall)
- Garbage Day (Every day trash builds up in the trash cans around town, and once a week on Garbage Day it empties out.)
- Harvest With Scythe
- Let Me Rest (allows you to regain energy when standing still or sitting)
- Lunar Disturbances (adds a moon overhead, which enables events such as a solar eclipse, a blood moon for rare occasions, and more items washed up or less)
- Mail Services Mod (delivery requests can be done through mail, can send items through mail, receive tool upgrades through mail, etc.)
- Market Day (weekly market day in the city square where you can sell your items)
- Personal Combat Drone (adds a drone that follows you around and helps attack cave monsters)
- Drone is a Fairy (makes the drone in the above mod a cute fairy!)
- Stardew & Chill (updates the music in game to be lofi versions of the songs)
- Tractor Mod (Buy a tractor to more efficiently work with crops, clear twigs and rocks, etc)
NOT INSTALLED, but still recommend 😀
- Weaker Serpent & Iridium Bat (makes the skull caverns a lil easier)


- Mr. Ginger
- SH’s Portraits for Mr. Ginger
- Blanche – The Librarian Custom NPC
- Immersive Spouses (lets your spouse have a their original schedules back after marriage)
- Krobus Dialogue Mod
- Lumisteria Child to NPC Like Parent
- Reverse Proposal
- Seasonal Cute Characters
- Seasonal Cute Characters SVE
- Slightly Cuter Characters
- Slightly Cuter Characters SVE
- Canon Friendly Dialogue Expansion
- Flower Dance Fix (expands dancing participants)
- Happy Birthday (set your birthday so villagers will remember your birthday!)
- Romanceable Wizard Sprite + Portrait ( makes the wizard real sexy 😳 )
- Lavril (a mysterious young girl for East Scarp expansion)
- Leilani (an NPC for Ridgeside Village)
- Tristan (an NPC for East Scarp that expands upon Jas and Mr. Ginger)
- Always Raining in the Valley (adds Sterling, Mia and Henry to East Scarp)
- Yri the Architect (adds Yri and Charles to East Scarp)
- June (adds June to Ridgeside Village)
NOT INSTALLED, but still recommend 😀
- Ana’s Toned Down Sprites (desaturates villager sprites a little bit. this mod is made by AnataseTV and they are very sweet! Check their twitter & twitch out!)
- Babysitter (adds some dialogue for your children, and allows you to choose between [Alex, Sebastian, Maru, Abigail, Shane, Emily, and Linus] as a babysitter, one for each child)
- Baechu & AkiraE’s Portraits (probably my favorite aesthetic mod – turns this game into Sexy Stardew Valley 👀 everyone looks straight out of a kpop band, LINUS AND CLINT ARE SO SEXY)
- Ran’s Harvest Goddess (replaces the wizard with a Harvest Goddess)


These mods are all base mods required for the majority of the other mods I have listed on this page to work, so I will not be including descriptions.
- Alternative Textures
- Alternative Textures (Recolor for Icons)
- AntiSocial NPCs
- BusLocations
- ContentPatcher
- Custom Cask Mod
- Custom Companions
- Custom Critters
- Custom Decoration Areas
- Custom Furniture
- Custom Gift Dialogue
- Custom Music
- Custom NPC Exclusions
- Custom NPC Fixes
- DaisyNiko’s Tilesheets
- Date Night
- Dynamic Game Assets
- Expanded Preconditions Utility
- Expanded Storage
- Extra Map Layers
- Farm Type Manager
- Generic Mod Config Menu
- Json Assets
- Lumisteria Tilesheets
- Mail Framework Mod
- Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety
- Producer Framework Mod
- Proud Unicorns Tiles Rearranged
- PyTK
- Quest Framework
- Shop Tile Framework
- SpaceCore
- Stardew Hack
- Stardust Core
- TMXL Map Toolkit
can you pls put the donwload for Cloud n Heart Trees , this mod dont are disponible in nexus mods and im lost my backup mods :< im cant find another link to donwload
just updated the links in this blog post! Look for “magica trees” in this list. I believe that’s the same mod as Cloud n Heart Trees!
Would you please send me Who M’s furniture via email? I’m dying to use those cute cats but she took her mods down 🙁 I wont reupload it somewhere else I swear ;-; thanks a ton ;-;
I saw the one hat mod with the relly pretty hair covering one of the eyes – which mod is that from / do you know where the hair mod is from? I saw it on the 2020 post as well!
The hat mod with the little bunny hat on the side of the head is the one I think you’re referring to. That one is called “Mochitail’s hat mod” and has been privated on NexusMods from what I see, and I can’t find it anywhere on google. I never had the hair mod shown with that hat mod, and without their page idk their sources, unfortunately 😔 wish i could be more help with that!
I actually have the link for the original mod! (not the hair sadly) https://mochitail.postype.com/post/10620371
I can try emailing them since they do have their email in their blog.
is this mod all compatible with each other?
no not necessarily! you’ll have to check each mod’s description for specific details related to it. for example: some of the animal reskins apply to same base game animal, so you’ll have to pick your favorites.
For the Goddess statue obelisk here’s a working link! https://kyuk-sdv.postype.com/post/10703109