cookies & privacy

we use cookies on
to make your experience smoother and more personalized.
here’s what you need to know:

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are tiny bits of data stored on your device when you visit a site. They help remember your preferences and keep things running smoothly.

Why We Use Cookies:

  • To Keep Things Running: Essential cookies help our site work properly (like keeping you logged in).
  • To Improve Your Experience: Performance cookies tell us how you’re using our site, so we can make it better.
  • To Personalize Stuff: Functionality cookies remember your choices (like your username or theme).
  • For Ads: Targeting cookies help us show you ads you might actually care about.

Third-Party Cookies:

We might let some other companies drop their own cookies for things like ads and analytics. They have their own privacy policies, so check them out if you’re curious.

Managing Cookies:

You can change your cookie settings in your browser. Here’s how for some popular ones:


Got cookie concerns or questions? Feel free to contact me 🙂